THE ECONOMICS OF GOOD IAQ Tedd Nathanson Senior Engineer, Building Air Quality Public Works and Government Services Canada Ottawa Canada K1A 0M2 [e-mail: NATHANST@PWGSC.GC.CA] INTRODUCTION Salary dollars are the single, most important cost in an office building, being more than two orders of magnitude (100 times) more than energy costs… read more →
Book Review: The Toxic Schoolhouse, edited by Madeleine Kangsen Scammell and Charles Levenstein Updated: 04/11/2014 Book Review: The Toxic Schoolhouse Baywood Publishing Company, Amityville, New York,, edited by Madeleine Kangsen Scammell and Charles Levenstein, 2014. Parents should be able to assume that school buildings are healthy places for children, but… read more →
Cost Effectiveness of Healthy Buildings Healthy schools not only make children healthier, but more productive learners. Some people ask if it costs more to build healthy schools, but in Nova Scotia, new schools are routinely being completed on or under budget. Not only do they provide clear benefits, but building… read more →