HSD Planning Ahead for Success Kit

The “Planning Ahead for Success Kit” is provided to help you plan for Healthy Schools Day in Canada – Journée des écoles saines du Canada.

You, your school, school board, your department or your group are invited to join in the activities to promote Healthy Schools Day in Canada – Journée des écoles saines du Canada. This special day is held each year during CEFPI’s School Building Week in April. CEFPI is the Council of Educational Building Planners International which has branches in both the United States and Canada.

Plan ahead to hold an event or launch a project or complete a project, and join with groups and individuals from across Canada to work together to make our schools the healthiest they can be. In this Kit you will find

  1. banners that you may choose to use on your websites or documents,
  2. a list of possible Healthy Schools Day project ideas,
  3. a draft media release to use in April, and
  4. a draft resolution (in English and French) which you may encourage your provincial or city legislature to declare

Healthy Schools Day in Canada was launched April 2009 to mark the need to guard and improve the indoor environments of our schools. Learning and health are affected by environmental issues that impact indoor air quality and general environment quality, such as cleaning chemicals, maintenance materials and practices, indoor mould growth, lead, asbestos, new school design and construction issues, and much more.

CASLE (Canadians for A Safe Learning Environment), based in Nova Scotia, is coordinating over 35 national organizations’ efforts to improve our nation’s school environments through Healthy Schools Day activities. See the founding organization’s logos and links on our Healthy Schools Day home page.

Plan ahead for success!


  1. Web Site Banner Graphics
  2. Ideas for Healthy Schools Day Projects
  3. Draft of Groups’ Media Release (doc)
  4. Draft Text for Healthy Schools Day Resolution (doc)


  1. Site web bannière graphiques
  2. Des idées de projets pour la journée des écoles saines
  3. Communiqué de presse (doc)
  4. Brouillon à utiliser pour créer une rėsolution (doc)