CPCHE Statement for Healthy Schools Day 2013

Location: | Start Date: 20110401
Organisation: Canadian Partnership for Children's Health and Environment (CPCHE) | Web Site: http://www.healthyenvironmentforkids.ca

Project Description

Reduce Radon…for our children’s health

On the occasion of the 5th annual Healthy Schools Day in Canada, CPCHE encourages parents, educators and others to take steps to ensure that children are not exposed to high levels of radon – a known risk factor for lung cancer –  in the places where they live, play and learn.

Radon is a harmful gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in the ground. Radon gas can move into homes and buildings through cracks or gaps in the foundation. Long-term exposure to high levels of radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in Canada. 

CPCHE and the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF) recently conducted a survey among child care professionals about radon in child care settings. The survey results indicate low levels of awareness about radon, a keen interest in learning more, and a willingness to share information with parents about this important health risk.

Of the 145 respondents, 52 percent had heard of radon but don’t know much about it, and 24 percent had never heard of it. More than half (52 percent) indicated that the child care setting where they work had not been tested for radon.

“We in the child care sector have an opportunity to protect children from this harmful exposure by making sure that radon levels are at or below acceptable levels in child care settings,” says Don Giesbrecht, CEO of the Canadian Child Care Federation. “We can also help raise awareness among families about the importance of getting homes tested for radon. The survey results indicate that child care professionals are ready to step up and take action.”

“The health risk is clear and the necessary actions are straightforward.” says CPCHE’s Partnership Director, Erica Phipps. “Let’s give our children the best start towards lifelong health. Let’s act now to reduce this avoidable lung cancer risk.”

A simple do-it-yourself test kit, available at many hardware stores or on-line, can be used to find out if a home or building has elevated radon.

For more information, visit www.reduceradon.ca or contact Erica Phipps, Partnership Director, Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment (CPCHE), at erica@healthyenvironmentforkids.ca.