These are some pivotal documents from CASLE’s “early years” (roughly 1992 – 1996). However, some of CASLE’s founders had already been working on improving school Health and Safety, most often in their own children’s schools. However, some worked on committees such as the Halifax School Board Committee on Environmental Health and the AEHA (Allergy and Environmental Health Association) Healthy Schools efforts. As we go through the paper files, we hope to archive the papers we can find of those earlier groups. Some are posted here, along with some earlier CASLE documents.
It was during these years that CASLE gained the attention of departments and agencies, and forged significant partnerships that lasted and made a difference.
CASLE officially began in 1992-93, before the use of the internet, so years of historical documents are waiting in our filing cabinet to be scanned and archived.
1993 letter to School Board as CASLE was forming
1994 Bulletin protocol to school boards – important document
Asbestos floor tile incident letter – historical document