Tools for Schools

Location: Vitrual | Start Date: 20100101
Organisation: Canadian Partnership for Children's Health and Environment | Web Site:

Project Description

Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health and Environment (CPCHE) has circulated the following message among all 11 organization members. (See the logos on the Healthy Schools Day main page to find member info.) They in turn are encouraged to circulate it among their members and contacts.

“Check out our Tools for Schools collection for tips on what you can do to make a difference for kids. Links to:

Children in Canada spend many of their waking hours in schools and child care settings. As parents, educators and community members, we can all play a part in making these environments healthier for kids.

Healthier and safer learning environments – those with cleaner air and reduced exposures to toxic substances – promote children’s health, academic achievement and well-being.

Please visit our Tools for Schools collection for CPCHE resources and external links. The collection provides information and tips for reducing exposures to toxic chemical and pollutants in both indoor and outdoor settings.

Advancing Environmental Health in Child Care Settings: A Checklist for Child Care Practitioners and Public Health Inspectors (CPCHE, 2010)

Buying Products for the Child Care Centre – fact sheet (CPCHE, 2010)

Playing it Safe: Childproofing for Environmental Health – brochure (CPCHE, 2005)

Plastics – fact sheet (CPCHE, 2010)

Tools for Schools (CPCHE collection of on-line resources and web links)

Safe Renovations – 4-part fact sheet series (CPCHE, 2008)

Healthy Retrofits: The Case for Better Integration of Children’s Environmental Health Protection into Energy Efficiency Programs – report (CELA, 2011)

First Steps in Lifelong Health: A Vision and Strategy for Children’s Health and Environment in Canada – report/policy position (CPCHE 2008)

Child Health and the Environment: A Primer (CPCHE, 2005)”